Merry Christmas Eve! I was one of those crazy ones who went shopping today. But, I wasn't shopping for Christmas gifts. In fact, I ran into a friend who was shopping for last-minute gifts. She took one look at my cart and figured out pretty quickly that I was doing run-of-the-mill shopping.
I had good parking karma...nice spot not too far from where I usually park in the Kmart lot.
I so-so pharmacy karma...there was one person in front of me, but my mom's prescription wasn't ready. My friend Jason wasn't at the checkout counter so I couldn't get the prescription done quickly.
I had good checkout karma...the person in front of me was wheeling his cart away when I pulled up.
Then I ventured to the grocery store. Found what I was looking for and then some. Why does that always happen!?!?!
I spent the rest of the morning prepping ingredients for tomorrow's stuffing and making baked sushi for our Christmas Eve dinner.
I got an unexpected gift today. Something I wasn't expecting. It made me feel like a total heel that I forgot and then remembered and promptly forgot again about making a card for someone. But, the words in the card... sigh. Grateful for those words. So grateful. And blessed.
Sounds like a good day. I was another one of the crazies at the shops today. Same shops. Four times.
Have a Merry Christmas Vera xxx
Merry Christmas! Enjoy your holiday.
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