Monday, January 17, 2011


I took advantage of the fact that today was a holiday and slept in. It felt wonderful! I put a lot of clothes away, cleared off the top of my desk, folded my freshly washed winter clothes in preparation for next month's trip for work, talked to my cousin Maria on the phone and shredded a whole stack of paper.

I said I wouldn't beat myself up about the trash eating, so I won't. I ate everything I shouldn't have eaten. I will say that I did take smaller portions of the "bad" food. A plus, right? I was careful with what I ate for breakfast and lunch because I knew the will power would be close to non-existent at that party. Always happens.

The reason for this slight detour? I went to a baby shower for three of my friends...former co-workers who are all due next month. The count is at two girls and one surprise! Lots of hugs. Lots of "I miss yous." Hearing I looked refreshed. Lots of joking and laughing. Hearing that being in the lounge wasn't the same without me. Knowing that I am missed.

I miss them.

I miss the camaraderie. I miss the laughter. I miss the jokes, the stories, the anecdotes of the kids' antics. But, this new job is so what I need right now. I'm less stressed. Less moody. I love knowing that I am still a part of their "family." Knowing that, even though I more or less defected, they still love me and care about what's happening in my life.

For that, I'll always love them.


jamie long said...

I eat such crap! I try to change but Im tired and it is so easy to eat junk! good luck

Anonymous said...

productive day :)

lisa truesdell said...

what sweet thoughts - glad you can still call them friends. =)